Tosha was an only child for three years than Hunter came to live with us as a kitten. Tosha was not happy, to say the least, and after almost three years having the run of the house, Tosha only barely tolerates our sweet boy.
Hunter has a sweet disposition, wrapping his front paws around my neck and purring in my ear and drooling. Sometimes something comes over him, and he will tear around the house like a wild cat.
Tosha's greatest desire is to drink from the faucet, and will follow us into the bathroom plaintively meowing for water. When she is in a really good mood, she will snuggle into the hair at my neck and knead my shoulder.
Oh what an adorable photo! I agree with the Proverb too!
Hunter looks a lot like my Clementine :)
Love the black and the red bow just pops!
wow Linda, your blog is soooo amazing...I luv photography too. I am not a professional or anything, but I luv taking pictures of the wonderful land God has given us. My dh and I ride a Harley and get to see the beautiful country side. I live in the gorgeous Blue Ridge Mountains of VA, they are breath taking to me. We luv to travel and I dream of getting to the west coast one day. You photos have really taken my breath away.....wow! I have following your blog and can' wait to see the photos you share.....have a wonderful Sunday! hugs *~* btw If you have time visit my blog, I am a paper crafter, but you might enjoy the visit!
Linda, I am so pleased to see you through your blog and your musings. What a way to share a special view of your world with others. Love Craig
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